Couples Counselling Services – The Happiness Concern

Counselling, Psychotherapy and Life Coaching for couples and individuals in Sheffield and South Yorkshire

For Clarity, Compassion & Empowerment call us on 07565 370032….
Keep The Connection, Change Will Happen!

Couples Counselling

Counselling Services for Couples

Couple counselling is also known as relationship counselling, or marriage guidance. Your relationship is unique to you, and what may work for one couple might not work for another. At The Happiness Concern we have a range of therapy options and approaches which can be tailored to your specific requirements.

We provide support, to couples in any kind of relationship:

  • Heterosexual
  • Gay or lesbian
  • Married
  • Co-Habiting
  • Separating or Divorcing

Couple counselling is for anyone that has difficulties in their relationship. Our highest priority is to help you develop a more meaningful way of communicating with each other, whilst increasing your understanding of how the problem you are experiencing affects your relationship.

Couples therapy is an opportunity to review your life together, and how you both reached this place right now.

The counsellor’s role is to explore more deeply what is going on in your relationship and work with you step by step to reach a solution. Far too many couples see counselling as a last resort, they usually arrive for a session feeling exhausted, or isolated due to the difficulties that you both have been unable to deal with.

From the first point of contact with us, you will feel supported…. you will be treated with integrity and respect at all times. Couples counselling is not about tea and sympathy, at the Happiness Concern we provide a dynamic and energy filled relationship, to help you find each other again and reconnect. We don’t just sit back and listen…. even though this is a valuable part of counselling, we tailor the therapy approach to suit all learning styles. We have found that men often like structure, and pragmatic ways of exploring what is happening, so your counsellor may use a wipe-board, or flip chart when appropriate. It is really an interactive relationship you will develop with your counsellor. When we first meet, we will discuss the various therapy options that are available to you, so you can decide which is the best way forward.

Often couples arrive in a crisis, they are at a point where sometimes they are thinking whether they can actually survive the last fight, or argument. We will quickly provide you with an appointment so you both can start to experience being heard again.

Couples counselling can help to:

  • Start to reflect on how past experiences are influencing your present relationship
  • Reconnect to each other as a couple, and also reconnect to what really matters to yourselves as individuals
  • Understand what is unique about your couple relationship and how your values together can be a real source of strength
  • Provide a safe environment for you both to talk about how your are feeling and behaving towards each other
  • Help you reach a decision or solution that is right for you both, by increasing your understanding of the underlying causes that are stopping you both living the life you truly want

Common issues couple’s may have:

  • Control and power
  • Sexual difficulties
  • Lack of intimacy
  • Becoming distant with each other
  • Domestic Violence
  • Lack of communication
  • Same rows that keep coming up
  • Infidelity or affairs
  • Not talking to each other
  • Mistrust and jealousy

If you don’t see your particular issue on the list above that doesn’t mean we can’t help you.

We also help couples by providing additional therapeutic programmes:

The Couples Well Being Service

Up to 6 sessions of counselling this addresses your current concerns that have recently arise.

The Couple Intensive Relationship Service

Couple – led tailored support, that is aimed at stabilising your relationship, before more intensive therapy commences

Telephone crisis support, alongside face to face counselling

Addiction Therapy

The Couples Life Shaping Therapy Service

Couple-led individual and couple psychotherapy sessions, frequency and duration of therapy tailored to meet your unique situation

Explores how issues can relate to other areas of your life, what the issue may mean, and enables a couple to understand how their relationship is influenced from their own past experiences, and how their relationship can be used to work through past experiences that have been painful or traumatic

“The grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for”

Allan Chalmers

Counselling for Couples

Through Couples counselling our couples have learnt:

  • To listen and communicate more effectively
  • Hear the needs of their partner and take responsibility for each other
  • Resolve conflict
  • Recover the love and respect for each other
  • Have built and introduced stepping stones to intimacy in their relationship
  • To be more genuine and authentic with each other
  • To live the life they truly want

Due to the success of our work we have really listened to what our clients have needed and have now introduced some new programmes to help not only couples but families.

Additional services for :

Parent Together – understanding your values, and different approaches to being parents – this is tailored to the different life stages that parents can experience change.

Divorce and Separation – supporting the whole family with the changes ahead

Couples that have lost a baby, or child – supporting you both through this distressing and traumatic time

Infertility and loss

Mother’s and father’s that have had children placed in care

Anger and Rage in Relationships (read more)

Family Therapy

Step Families – untangling the feelings and moving towards becoming a solid family unit

The above additional services are complimentary to other professionals that may be involved in your care, or in this field such as solicitors, mediators, social services, Gps etc.

We also provide: Couples Private Workshops   *Coming Soon* 2 – 3 hours of interactive discussions, exploration and learning, a structured, dynamic reparative service. Enabling you to take time out from your busy life, and book a block session. Give your relationship the time and impetus it needs right now.

We are planning future Couples retreats, for couples who really deserve time out together. These retreats will be a mixture of learning, exploring, and reconnecting, enabling couples to recapture an intimate and meaningful way of relating once again.


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