My Expertise

Let relationship expert Dawn White help you create the relationship that’s right for you!

Relationships, love and sex are a fundamental parts of life. See below for further information on how I can assist individuals and couples to realise their dreams…

Dawn White

My Approach and Values:

I believe relationships are a fundamental part of life and living;

Life is all about relationships, starting with the relationship with ourselves, our romantic and family relationships, and the relationships we have with friends, co-workers and in business. Relationships underpin our well-being when they are full of joy, love and security.

However, relationships can also bring great pain, sadness, and loss when they go wrong or start to break down.

I focus on relationships and help people connect incredibly at different stages of life. Helping clients move from the surviving stage to thriving and flourishing… I am passionate in supporting people to make and create long-lasting committed intimate relationships, know what their relationship requirements are and have fun along the way… relationships can be truly satisfying.

The more informed people become about relationships, and have access to well informed and knowledgeable information, from the point of finding out where to go for help, can help people feel like they are taking back control:

You maybe at the stage of:

  • Recovering from a divorce, or bereavement
  • Surviving or Struggling with a Structured Separation
  • Creating a successful solo life – Incredible You


  • Starting dating
  • Dating successfully and forming a new relationship
  • Enhancing and repairing a relationship in trouble or ending…
  • Affair Recovery
  • Emotional Infidelity Recovery


  • Creating Sex, Intimacy, & Healthy Commitment
  • Finding Hot Monogamy isn’t boring – by Creating new sexiness to a tired out relationship 
  • Enhancing intimacy and becoming a hot hot couple…turn up the turn on !
  • Not just Penis in the Vagina sex
  • Sexy sixties and beyond


Who Can Benefit From My Services?

Individuals and Couples –

  • Who want to understand and feel what connection is with someone
  • Who want to create a healthy, satisfying and sexy committed intimate relationship.
  • Who want to rediscover their coupledom, or singledom, identify unhelpful thoughts and beliefs that maybe unconsciously impacting on their current relationship negatively.
  • Who want to bring their best self forward in relationships, be fit for a relationship, and be truly authentic.
  • Who want to rediscover their sexual energy and passion for themselves and each other no matter what adult age they are.
  • Who wish to enhance their relationship connection, and are open to learn and intentionally connect intimately.
  • Who have decided to move forward in a positive and powerful way, and invest in theirself and relationships.
  • Who want to understand why they do what they do, and change any destructive patterns of communicating or behaving.
  • Who want to overcome internal blocks and barriers to intimacy and start to create a life they truly want to achieve
  • Who want to reset their relationship and take time to invest, grow and love each other
  • Who want to learn to live with their differences, and find their own uniqueness as an individual or couple.


The counselling, coaching and dating world have changed rapidly over the last 10 years. People and clientsare more discerning and selective in what they want and choose more than a listening space.

Over the years I found that clients ask for solutions, and techniques to interrupt negative and destructive patterns. They ask for help to find new ways of communicating, orfind and develop practical ways of enhancing intimacy, and couple bonding.

My approach is a pluralistic approach, based on research, practice knowledge, and blending approaches from, coaching, counselling, psychotherapy and psychosexual approaches.

People contact me at any stage in their relationship life journey, whether as an individual or couple.

Dawn White Relationship Counselling

Contact Me

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