The Happiness Concern
Counselling, Psychotherapy and Life Coaching for couples and individuals in Sheffield and South Yorkshire
For Clarity, Compassion & Empowerment call us on 07565 370032….
Keep The Connection, Change Will Happen!

Hello, and welcome to my web-site
I hope you find the information that you require on this site. If not, please contact me, I will welcome your enquiry.
It can be a difficult time when trying to decide who the right person is to help you, whether this be a counsellor, coach, or psychotherapist, it can be a daunting task selecting the right one….
You need to be confident that who you choose to help you is professionally trained and qualified, and is someone who you feel comfortable with and can trust. I and the team will work with you…. and for you…. whether you are an individual, a couple, or an organisation…. seeking help for someone you know, or for yourself…. we look forward to meeting you….
You can meet the counsellors that work with me by clicking here.

Counselling for Individuals
The counsellors make themselves available to engage you in a relationship which will develop new capacities of thought for you, personal growth and understanding….

Counselling for Couples
Are you at a point of crisis, fighting, arguing…. are you wondering whether you can survive the last argument…. and you both keep going around in a circle with the same old issues which remain unresolved…. need direction and clarity, whilst creating and moving your life forward….

Coaching for Individuals and Couples
Limiting beliefs…. unfulfilled, someone once said ‘If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you always got’ are you interested in how to take your living experience to new levels of achievement, happiness, adventure and success…. are you somebody who loves learning and growing, and you want to turn your dreams into reality….

Corporate Organisations and Business
We understand the needs and requirements of the industry, and recognise the importance of balancing business performance, targets whilst maintaining and ensuring people’s well-being. We are able to meet the needs of local businesses, and organisations by being flexible whilst maintaining the right price, without compromising the quality.
“We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same”
Anne Frank
Contact Me
Ask a question or book an appointment below.